Thursday, August 9, 2012

Soaring Above

Life as a freelance journalist finds me cranking out as many articles as possible. With each assignment I’m knee deep in trying to tell a decent story, relaying accuracy and getting the damn thing done on time. Not much time for any emotional involvement.

Then there are the stories and their subjects that hit you in the gut, make you pause and resonate in your soul. One such piece would be an article I wrote earlier in the summer about Nicole Smith. 

Smith’s an avid skydiver who has triumphed over tragedy. After the back-to-back loss of two significant others and surviving a car crash that left doctors wondering if she’d ever walk again, Smith is taking on a heavy task. She’s skydiving in all 50 states. 

Part bucket list experience and part spiritual journey, Smith’s trek is rife with inspiration. She’s been documenting the whole shebang at

This morning I woke to find an email from Smith resting in my inbox. Her final jump on her mission takes place August 18 at Skydive Kansas in Osage City, Kansas.

My heart and admiration go out to Nicole Smith for beating the odds and living life to the fullest. Thank you, Nicole, for giving me the opportunity to tell your story and making it more than just another assignment for me.

Here’s a link to my Atlanta Journal-Constitution article about Nicole Smith:

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